Parish Council Documents



Present: Cllr S. Billis, Chairman,

Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Also present: Cllr Mollie Groom & P.C. Porter

Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Crocker & Mrs V. Stubbings declared an interest in item 5 as members of the Management Committee.

Public Participation

Cllr Groom briefed on the draft Structural Reform Plan. She would forward a copy for consideration by the Council.

P.C. Porter noted that as the Speed Camera Unit had been scrapped the police were now running speed checks on an irregular basis. He also briefed on the present spate of thefts of equipment from farms, particularly batteries from electric fences. He asked that details of any suspicious activity, with the vehicle details if possible, should be passed to the Police. Clerk will put a note in the 'News'.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2010 were discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Newman that item 4 be amended to read "A letter from Land Research concerning the building of dwellings in the Village had been received. It was agreed to send an acknowledgement only to allow time for further discussion." Agreed. The minutes were then signed.


2. Amendment to 05/00255. Manor Farm. New wall. No objections.

3. The Enforcement Notice served on 5 Ham Cottages was noted.


4. An invoice for £74.03 had been paid to Playsafety Ltd for the play area safety inspection.

5. It was agreed to make a donation to the Village Hall of £450.

6. It was agreed to make a donation of £125 to Christ Church to help with the cost of the 'News'.

7. A bill from C. Bailey for £185 for grass cutting was approved and a cheque raised.

Development in the Village.

8. Chairman briefed on his research into the purpose of the Parish Plan. He had been advised by the Standards Board for England and NALC that, once accepted by the Parish Council, it was for Wilts Council to consider its ramifications. The building of housing in the Village could only be discussed by the Parish Council when an application was received from Wilts Council and the details known. He had drafted a  reply to Land Research explaining our position, and this was approved by the Council.

Parish Plan.

9. The draft Parish Plan was discussed. It was felt that too much emphasis had been put on the contentious problem of Housing, when the report contained many admirable features which were being overlooked. It was agreed that, although the PC must support the Steering Group but remain impartial, it wished to ensure that the plan should have vision, that the character of the Village should be maintained, and any building should not overwhelm this.


10. The report on the play area was discussed. It was felt that more should be made of this area, and Chairman volunteered to look into the possibilities.

11. Public Open Space Study.Only Redhills appears to fall within the criteria. Clerk will check, and complete the questionnaire.

Parish Matters.

12. An e-mail had been received from Andy Law that 7 volunteers had come forward to form the Speedwatch team. It was agreed we could now go ahead. Clerk is to notify Alison Sullivan to this effect.

13. The railings opposite No 23 Broad Town Road had, once again, been demolished. This is considered a safety matter. Clerk is to notify Wilts Highways.

14. Footpaths, BTOW5, at Pantywick, was blocked by fallen trees.

15. It was noted that the Primary School had received a good OFSTED report. Clerk is to send a letter to the Head Teacher to congratulate her and her Staff on their efforts.

(signed) R.J.Davey. Clerk

16th November 2010

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