Parish Council Documents



Two members of the public were present. Cllr S. Billis chaired the meeting. A report was given by the Chairman, reports from Cllr Crocker, Chairman of the Village Hall Mangament Committee, and Cllr Mrs V. Stubbings were read out by the Clerk, who also gave a brief resume of the accounts. The reports are attached as annexes to the minjutes held by the Clerk.

There being no further business the normal monthly meeting of the Parish Council was opened.

Present: Cllr S. Billis, Chairman,

Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain, Mrs J. Newman and J. Pullen

Two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Cllrs N. Crocker and Mrs V. Stubbings

Declarations of Interest. It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Newman, as Chair of the Parish Plan Steering Group should remain and speak on the Parish Plan at the meeting, but not vote.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2011 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning.

a. Clerk had received a complaint that unauthorised building work was being started at the stables adjoining The Toll House, Broad Town Road. He had passed the complaint on to Planning Enforcement who had visited the site and advised the owner to stop.

b. 01086/FUL 36 Broad Town Road. Two storey extension. No objections. Notice will be placed on the notice board.

3. Finance.

a. The audit papers had been received from Mazars, The accounts were presented by the Clerk, and approved.

b. It was agreed that Mrs K. Orton be asked to carry out the internal audit.

c. Membership of WALC was agreed, and a cheque for £186.72 raised for annual subscription.

d. A cheque for £181.80 was raised, payable to Sodexho, for grass cutting, Redhills.

4. Notice Board for Thornhill.

Clerk was authorised to order a suitable product, plus legs, within the range discussed.

5. Parish Plan

The draft plan was discussed. It was agreed that it was a very well thought out document, and most important as a starting point for future development in the Village. The new proposed planning rules could make it even more important. The feeling was that at present a shop and pub were not important, that some linking of the two halves of the Village was, and that a car park near the church and school was desirable. Housing was a thorny topic, but might have to be considered if other projects were to be viable. It was agreed that for the purpose of proprietry, any statement in the plan which could be seen to link the plan to any previous planning proposal should be removed from the plan. It was also agreed that any proposal arising from the plan must be supported by evidence from the questionnaire. Chaiman will amplify these notes and pass them on to the Chair of the Group as soon as possible, to enable the plan to be revised and presented for formal adoption at the next meeting.


6. Footpaths

The contents of a letter from Mr Garrett to Wilts Council concerning a dispute over the routing of, and damage to, BTOW13 adjoining his property was noted.

7. Parish Matters

a. The White Horse has been cleaned, and is a credit to the Village. Those who gave their time and energy to the project are to be congratulated. Clerk will pass on these comments to the Chair of the Preservation Society.

b. A steering Group had been set up at Lyneham to cover problems arising from the shut-down of the airfield. Cllr Stubbings had agreed to be the PC representative on this group.


Signed.  R.J.Davey, Clerk

13th April 2011

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