Parish Council Documents



Present:- Cllr Mrs J. Newman, Chairman, Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, S Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Three members of the public.

Cllr Groom attended for a short time.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th January 2013 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning

a. N/13/00167. Hambrook Farm. Independent annex. No objection, but it was noted that the location plan was not indicating a Right of Way across the property.

b. N/13/00218/S73A. 5 Ham Cottages. A new application for the garage annex.The Parish Council has always maintained the view that the original application gave approval for a garage, but had subsequently been built as a garage with living accommodation above, in violation of this approval. Therefore to grant approval retrospectively makes a mockery of the planning system. As the application had not been circulated to Councillors as it had not arrived in time, it would be circulated and, if on this consideration it was felt that this line of approach was not now appropriate, an extraordinary meeting would be called.

3. Finance

a. The Clerk noted that the precept for 2013/14 had been accepted, and that, with a contribution from County, was 1.6% above that for 2012/13.

b. A cheque for £50 was approved for Petty Cash.

The meeting was closed at 19.40 hrs to allow Cllr Groom to update the Council, and re-opened at 19.45 hrs.

4. Reports

a. Area Board. Minutes of the last meeting only appeared on the website on the morning of the PC meeting. They will be circulated.

b. Community Led Partnership (CLP). Cllr Hinton noted that the date of the next meeting has been changed from 15th February to 22 February; he would be unable to attend.

5. Neighbourhood Planning Consultation. The attendance at the consultation meetings, some 60 people, was considered a success, but it was disappointing that there wa almost nobody from the 20 to 40 year old age group. The outcome of the report is awaited.

6. Wilts Fire Service. There are some 10 fire hydrants in the Village. To ensure that they are always available for use 'Adopt a Hydrant' is being started. The request is that if it is noticed that a hydrant is damaged or covered in vegetation etc, it be reported. See notice boards for details.         Clerk.

7. Consultation on Police and Crime p-Plan. A letter from the new Police Commissioner to consult on his plans for the future had been received. A copy will be placed on the notice board. Clerk

8. Parish Matters 

a. Clerk noted that WALC were running a one day course on the new HMRC Real Time PAYE reporting system, which becomes mandatory on 5th April 2013. He requested that the cost of the course (£45 plus VAT) be borne by the PC. Approved.

b. Footpaths. Clerk had been contacted by a young lady in the Village asking what progress had been made with the Footpaths Group, as she would like to be part of it. She did not have sufficient time to take on the whole task. It was suggested that an 'adopt a footpath' campaign be started, so that each individual would look after part of the network. Publicity. Clerk

c. Roads. Potholes. All problems of this nature should be reported to CLARENCE (a free phone call) at which a reference number would be given so there is proof that a report has been made.

d. Flooding. The area at Swindon Skips, on the Bushton Road, is becoming more of a problem. The area opposite the entrance is now used as a lay-by, giving rise to more standing water and mud on the road. Clerk will pursue the matter with Highways, with photographs.

e. Dog Fouling. Becoming a problem again, particularly at Thornhill, where at least one dog owner does not clean up, leaving an unhealthy mess. Please clean up after your dogs - the penalty for not doing so is quite severe.


R.J.Davey, Clerk to the Council.

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