Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman, Cllrs R. Bourton, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen, & Mrs V. Stubbings.

Also present: 2 members of the public. Cllr Mrs M. Groom attended for a short time.

Apologies were received from Cllr N. Crocker, and Cllr Mrs J. Newman.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2014 were signed as being a true record.

2. The Chairman announced the resignation of Cllr N. Crocker, MBE. Clerk is to notify Wilts Council to commence the procedure to elect a replacement. Cllr Pullen wished to place on record the good work done by Cllr Crocker over many years. Chairman

3. Planning.

a. 14/02194/OUT. No objections received. Wilts Council informed

b. 14/02195/FUL. No objections received. Wilts Council informed.

4. Finance.

a. It was agreed to approach Mrs K. Orton to carry out the internal audit. Clerk

b. The annual accounts were presented for consideration and approval at the next meeting..

c. It was noted that two cheques had been raised

HMRC. £47.60. PAYE

R,J. Davey £225.95 Salary and expenses Jan-Mar

d. It was agreed to continue membership of WALC, and a cheque for £207.66 waqs raised.

5. Reports.

a. Neighbourhood Planning. The process had stalled at the moment. It had been hoped that Cllr R. Thomas, Chairman on NEW-V S.G. would arbitrate between the PC and CLPG to determine the way forward, but this has not yet happened. Clerk is the contact for a meeting. Clerk

b. Area Board and CATG. Nothing to report.

6. Road Safety Measures.

The report from Steve Hinds, Wilts Council, was discussed. There are two measures directly affecting road safety:

a. Removal of white lines, marking road edges with white lines and red-coloured gateway surfacing at the southern end of the Village, at a cost of around £5500, or

b.Removal of white lines with marking of road edges at a cost of around £2500

c. The building of a footpath to the north of Pye Lane junction at a cost of £5000.

It was agreed that the red markings were not essential, and could be dispensed with, but consideration could be given to up to 4 more speed limit signs at a cost of £200 each.

The building of the footpath, although desirable, could be listed as a second phase.

In view of the cost, and the possibility that CATG might require financial from the PC of %20, it was proposed by Cllr Stubbings, seconded by Cllr Ponting, that the PC should increase its contribution from up to £750 to up to £1000, if it is necessary to do so. Agreed.

At 18.35 hrs the Chairman closed the meeting to enable Cllr Groom to update the PC.

The meeting re-opened at 18.50hrs,

7. Communique. The content of the next report was agreed. In the absence of Cllr Newman, Cllr Hinson will complete it.

8. Parish Matters.

a. Rayners Yard. The nuisance is continuing. An amateur attempt to dig a ditch had made the flooding problem worse, and the unpleasant chemical small is now very strong, and most unpleasant. Despite an email from Environmental Health that the situation would be monitored, obviously more stringent measures are required. Cllr Pullen will pursue.

b. It was noted that Wilts Council is to close all mini recycling sites as an economy measure; this will include the one at the school. The PC expressed its disapproval at this action.

c. The building of a large summer house in a garden has been reported to the PC. Advice is to be sought on the regulations covering this type of structure.

d. It was suggested that the S106 funds available to the PC for Village amenities might be used as a basis for a contribution to road safet works. Clerk will investigate.


R.J.Davey, Clerk to the Council

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