Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman. Cllrs R. Bourton, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Also present: Matthew Nailon.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th August 2014 were signed as being a true record.

2. Resignation. The resignation of Cllr Mrs J. Newman was accepted. Clerk is to write to Mrs Newman thanking her for her many years of aften difficult work on behalf of the Village. Clerk is to notify Wilts Council of the vacancy. Clerk

3. Co-option. Mr M Nailon expressed a wish to be considered for one of the vacant posts on the Parish Council. It was proposed by Cllr Bourton, seconded by Cllr Ponting, that Mr Nailon be co-opted and be invited to join the Council formally at the next meeting. Clerk is to notify Wilts Council and forward the necessary paperwork to Mr Nailon. Clerk.

4. Planning.

a. 14/08132/FUL. Upper Ham Farm. Erection of cattle shed and access. No objections.

b. 14/08133/FUL. Upper Ham Farm. Erection of fodder store and access. No objections.

c. 14/07953. Golldborough Farm. Realign access track(Good Energy).There is no mention of access onto the maqin road. Clerk is to forward concern to Wilts Council.

d. The Long Barn, Thornhill is still the subject of ongoing debate.


5. Finance

a.Future Expenditure.Clerk noted that the Council had agreed contributions to several projects, and that it should now set limits on expenditure to assist budgeting.

b. Clerk reported present balances of:-

Business a/c £101

Instant Access £7120

6. Reports

a. Neighbourhood  Planning

b. Area Board and CATG. Next meeting 24th September 2014.

c. CLPG/PC Working Group. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer of the PC, noted that the planned expenditure of rental pf the Village Hall for meeting seemed to be open-ended, but should have a defined financial limit, which will not include the anticipated public meetings for which separate arrangements will be made.. Proposed by Cllr Stubbings, seconded by Cllr Bourton, that a limit of £100 be set. Agreed.

d. It was noted that Community Speedwatch was still lacking volunteers, but it was agreed that the group would have an importasnt role once the anti-speeding measures were in place.

7. Communique. With the resignation of Cllr Newman it was agreed that the Clerk would be responsible in the future.

8. Emergency Planning Workshop.  23rd September. Clerk will attend.

9. Parish Matters.

a. Redhills. Clearance of overgrown bushes on the north and east sides of the Playing Field.It was agreed that the cutting back to make the hedge tidy was the most economic way of dealing with the problem. Cllr Bourton and thre Clerk had spken to the operator; he felt that the cost would not exceed £500. It was proposed by Cllr Pullen, seconded by Cllr Ponting, that Cllr Bouton gives the go-ahead and a limit of £500 be set. Sgreed.

b. Letter to the 'News' about horse droppings and dog mess will be answered by the Clerk.

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