Parish Council Documents


Present; Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman. Cllrs R. Bourton, M. Nailon, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

One member of the public.

Apologies were received from Cllr M. Groom, Wilts Councilor

Declarations of Interest were made by Cllr Stubbings, items 3d and e, as Secretary of both organisations, and Cllr Nailon, item 3c as a member of the Committee.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2014 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planninjg. Concern was expresed that the building of a horse exercise area at Long Barn, Thornhill, blocked a public footpath. Clerk is to check with Rghts of Way, Wilts Council.

3. Finance.

a. Clerk noted that the expenditure for the present financial year, as planned, would be some 25% over budget. He would produce a full estimate, and 

future planning for debate at the next meeting.

b. A cheque for £420 was raised to pay the invoice from Leighfields for hedge cutting at Redhills Playing Field.

c. A cheque for £450, the annual donation to the Village Hall Management Committee was raised.

d. It was agreed that the sum of £180 be donated to Christ Church to help with the funding of the 'News'. A cheque was raised.

e. It was noted that the sum of £300 was expected from the Big Gig Committee.

4. Reports.

a. Neighbourhood Planning.

b. Area Board and CATG. Cllr Stubbings noted that a request for funding of the Parish Map had been submitted.

c. CLPG/PC Working Group. It was accepted that the progress towards the production of the report was too slow, and it was felt that the PC should leave the working group to enable the Group to reach a more speedy resolution before submitting it to NEW-V.

Two motions were proposed;

1. "That the PC should leave the working group"

Proposed by Cllr Bourton, seconded by Cllr Pullen. Votes for 4, against 2.

2."That the PC should remain part of the Working Group"

Proposed by Cllr Stubbings, seconded by Cllr Hinson. Votes for 2, against .4.

Motion 1 was carried.

It was agreed that the funding of the Village Hall for the Group to hold its meetings would continue.

d, Community Speedwatch, The group were aiming to re-establish a presence in the near future.

5. Communique. The following points would be included:-

a. The decision of the Parish Council to leave the CLPG Working Group

b. Vacancy on the Parish Council.

c. Broadband speed.

d. Redhills.

6. Parish Matters.

a. Clerk is to follow up the system of ordering work that needs to be done.

b. Parking, Chapel Lane. Inconsiderate parking is causing difficulties for passing traffic; emergency vehicles would not be able to get through,

c. Clerk is to co-ordinate any complaints about broadband speed.


Clerk to the Council

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