Parish Council Documents
Minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2015.

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman  Cllrs J. Baycliffe, R. Bourton, M. Nailon, Mrs D. Ponting and Mrs V. Stubbings.

12 members of the public. 
Aoplogies: Cllr M. Groom
There were no Declarations of Interest

 These questions were raised by the public.
The continuing rumour that the PC is discussing with Hannick Homes future development. The Chairman explained that this is far from the truth and is the result of a persistent rumour being spread around the village. As is shown in the minutes the original figures from Hannick are described as being biased, and were not supported by the Council.
The road safety markings in the Village are very poorly designed. This is covered in Parish Matters.
|Communications Protocol. Cllr Nailon thanked those who had contributed to the draft. He had made corrections which will be published in the final draft pending the result of public consultation until the end of September.

1. The minutesof the meeting held on 11th May 2015 were signed as being a true record.

. Planning.
a. 15/04849FUL. 83 Horns Lane.Two storey extension. Revision to 14/08521. No objections.
b. Recent application 15/04918. Cotmarsh. Permanent approval of temporary lighting. This will be put on the notice board and circulated to Councillors.

. Finance.
The Clerk introduced an amemdment to the Financial Regulations to agree the rules for the operation of the Community Fund, held ina Treasurers Account with LLoyds Bank. It was accepted,.
 with minor modification

4. Reports.
a. Neighbourhood Planning. Cllr Stubbings had circulated notes of the NEW-V meeting held on 27th May 2015
b. Area Board. Report also submitted. It is recommended that each parish should have an emegency plan. Clerk has already drafted one.
c. CATG. The request for sineage on the C119/ Whiteways indicatind a narrow road had been considered, but there was insufficient time before the major road closures to fit permanent signs. Temporary signs will be fitted, and the issue left open.
d. Community Speedwatch. Cllr Nailon is the contact for those who wish to join the ranks of volunteers,

5. CLPG. A date for the joint consultation had been agreed with Carolyn Gibson and Ray Thomas.

6. Parish Matters.
a. Road safety markings. Members of the public expressed concern that the completed road safety markings were not as we had been led to expect in that the road- edge white lines were too close to the kerb to have any visual effect of narrowing the road. Councoillors will check the proposal made by WC, and examine the markings before deciding on future action.
b. Cllr Bourton had reported to CLARENCE that he road repairs near the Church were very poorly done.
c. The Clerk is to notify Highways that on completion of the road works through Thornhill the grips will need to be re-cut.
The meeting closed at 19.25

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