Parish Council Documents

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman, Cllrs J. Bayliffe, S. Billis, R. Bourton, M. Nailon, Mrs D.Ponting

10 members of the publicv

The Chairman opened the meeting by inviting reoorts fromthe Village organisations.

Mr N. Crocker, Chairman of the VHMC reportedf that the Village Hall continued to be well used. He noted work done to the fabric of the building, and that electrical checks and other work on power points had been caried out. A copy of the original map of the Parish had been fromed by Martin Upton, free of charge and had been hung on the front wall of the Hasll.

Mrs L. Billis, representing CLPG, wished to thank those who had worked very hard with the group during the year; work  on the Broad Town section of the plan continues. In particular the moitoring of land use to protect the rural nature of the Village

Mr. J Harvey-Samuel, Big Gig Committee, noted that the 2015 Big Gig had fewer visitors than expected and suffered a small financial loss. There will be no Big Gig in 2016 because od a lack of Committee members at present.

Mrs R. Law informed the meeting that she had set up a small committee to organise Village activities for the Queens birthday in June, and would be applying for a contribution from the Community Fund.

The Chairman opened the formal meeting

Apologies were rerceived from Mrs V. Stubbings

Declarations of Interest. Cllr Billis declared a personal interest in item 2.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th March were signes as being a true record.

2. Planning.

Willowbrook, Broad Town Road. The planning number given was incorrect; the addresswas correst. To aviod any confusion, the notice will be corrected and the PC informed of any objections received.

3. Finance.

a. The Clerk presented the audit forms for completion of Sectiom 1. This was completed and signed.

b. The financial details in Section 2 were explained by the Clerk. Details were approved, and the signed.

c. Until such time as the audit is complete and a new Clerk appointed, the outgoing Clerk requested that in order to ensure bills due to the Council were paid a Councillor be appointed to oversee any financial transactions which the retiring Clerk would normally havw been authorised to pay. Cllr Bourton agreed to take on this responsiblity.

d. Clerk noted that bank activity during March was the payment of a cheuqe for £50.60 to HMRC for PAYE, and a bank transfer to the Clerk of £237.24, salary and allowances.

4. Neighbourhood Planning.

Two proposals were tabled concerning future participation in NEW-V

Proposal 1. A propsal following a recent NEW-V meeting. Tabled by Cllr Bourton

Broad Town, as a qualifying body within the NEW-V Neighbourhood Planhave considered Purton and Lyneham and Bradenstoke's application to leave the neighbourhood area and have no objection to this change. Broad Town PC consideres that the residual NEW-V Neighbourhood Plan Area continues to be a valid planning area, and will enable a detailed plan to be developed that focuses on rural issues faced by the smaller parishes in North East Wiltshire.


Proposal 2. Proposed by Clle Billis. Broad Town PC as a qualifying body within the NEW-V Neighbourhood Plan Area have considerd Purton, and Lyneham and Bradenstoke's application to leave the neighbourhood area and have no objection to this change. Broad Town PC resolves that before any decision can be made to continue with participation in the NEW-V neighbourhood all opptions are considered to include Broad Town withdrawing from the NEW-V neighbourhood plan, Broad Town having it's own. and that the CLPG and other residents of the Parish should be consulted.

After consideration of both it was suggested by Cllr Bayliffe that, as both proposals set out acieved the same result, the addition of a final sentence to Proposal 1 ' All options will continue to be considered' would satisfy the intention of both. Cllr Billis withdrrew his proposal,and seconded aproposal 1. This was carried with the addition of the amendment.

The Chairman apologised for the delay in producing the questionnaire. He will now have a chance to give this, and comments received, his full attention.

5. Reports

Community Speedwatch. Clklr Billis felt that a sub-committee should be set up to re-invigoate the group, as speeding was one of the most complained about problems in the Village.

6 Parish Matters.

a. Clerk noted the work done on the White Horse. Cllr Billis noted that all work had been conpleted with the resources of the preservation society



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