Parish Council Documents

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, Mrs D. Ponting and Mrs V. Stubbings

9 Members of the public

Several residents wished to speak on the planning application. The Chairman asked that this be dome when the item arose in the agenda.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Bayliffe and Nailon

Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Stuubbings and Ponting declared a personal interest in item 2 as neighbours of the applicant.

2. Planning. 16/00950/CLE. Appleford, Thornhill

The Chairman closed the meewting to enable residents to voice their concerns.

Several objected to this application on the following grounds, a precis of which is:

a It was disputed that this business has been operating for more than 10 years.

b. The location and access to the road is not suitable for heavy lorries, and damage to the verges has occurred  as vehicles manoeuvere to leave the premises.

c. The C119 is a single track road, with no passing places. Cares are often forced to reverse long distances to be able to pass oncoming vehicles.

d. The number of vehicles in use are 3 HGVs, a trailes, and a minbus. Vehiclew noise, vibration and fumes are of an unacceptable level. The hardstanding is very close to neighbouring properties, and activity on the site has led to a total loss of privacy.

e. The pumpoimg of water from the holding pond onto the hardstanding has caused flooding on the road.

Ot was agreed that the Clerk will submit his wording to the Chairman for approval before submitting it to Wilts Council

3. Finance.

a. There has been no bank activity this month, and balances remail the same.

b. The cointractor, AW Services, who has been responsible for cutting the grass on the playing field for ther past two years, hasd offered to renew the contract for a further two years on the same terms. Agreed

c. The Clerk noted that the previous requirement to keep any rise in the precept , as previousl noted, had been withdrawn. This came after the precept had been set.

4. Neighbourhood Planning.

a. The Chairman briefed the meeting on the outcome of the Wilts Council meeting to sort out the way ahead now that Purton PC have pulled out of the process. The likely outcome would appear to be a smaller group, with Broad Town,  Clyffe Pypard and Bushton, and Tockenham Parish Cpouncils forming a smaller group. Until such time as this is confirmed, it was agreed that:

a, A staement of intent to remain within the process until such time as the future is dteremined be adpoted by the PC

b. That a questionnaire, similar to the one produced by Toackenham PC, suitably amended, be prepared, with a covering letter, for two copies to be delivered to each house, and that CLPG be invited to take part in this.

c. Arrangements for dropping off and picking up should be decided

b. As it is up to members of NEW-V to vote on the acceptance of the decisionn of Purton to leave the group, the PC should condider the way in which it should vote.

5. Communique. To include:

a. It is planned to deliver one page questionnairres to each house in the Village to assess views on future buildning. This will be the final item to enable the draft Neighbourhood POlan to go forward.

b. Now that the road safety improvements are finally complete, it is time to revitalise Community Speedwatch to assess it's effectiveness. Volunteers are required.

c. Parking on Chapel Lane. The fire service requires a minmum of 10 feet between vwhicles parked on either side of a road to enable fire vehicled to get through. Parking on Chapel Lane is poor and this is often not the case.

6. Reports. A report from Clle Stubbings ont he recent area Board meeting was noted.

7. The Chairman informed the meeting that Mr S, Billis had been elected to fill the vacancy on the PC and will be invited to sign the Acceptance of Office at the next meeting.

8. Parish Matters.

a. Parking on Chapel Lane. This is often very poor and cannot meet the criteria for a fire engine, or any other large vehicle to get through. A note will be put in the 'News'

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