Parish Council Documents

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman, Cllrs J. Bayliffe, R. Bourton, Mrs D. Ponting.


9 members of the public.


Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs V. Stubbings (Ill health) and M. Nailon (called out on Fire Station duties)


The Chairman opened thre meeting at 18.30hrs, and invited questions from the public. A question regarding the status of the Communications Protocol was dealt with under the listed agenda item. The remaining qustions were concerned with the draft CLPG report, which the Chairman covered in detail.


The formal meeting opened at 19.15 hrs.


1. The Clerk noted two minor errors in the minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2015. These did not affect the validity of the minutes, and they were signed as being a true record.


2. Planning.


a. Result of previous application. Foxglove Cottage, 2 Broad Town. Approved with reservations


b. Application 15/09474/FUL. 13 Broad Town Road. Demolition of Pole Barn and construction of buildingd to act as stables and tack room. Change of use to equine. No objections.


3. Finance.


a. Clerk noted


to be con't

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