Parish Council Documents



Present: Cllr R. Bourton, Chairman, Cllrs S. Billis, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

Also in Attendance Andy Singfield, PCSO

Apologies were accepted from Cllrs J. Brain and N. Crocker

No members of the public attended.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2010 were signed as being a true record.


2. Permission for the rear extension at 68A Broad Town Road was noted.

3. The amendment showing the removal of the manege lighting at 'Tanera' Broad Town Road was noted.


4. The Clerk reported that he had now computerised the accounts.

5. The Clerk gave a brief report on the financial summary for the past year. The forms for the official audit were now to hand and, when completed, would be placed before the Council for approval before being passed to the internal auditor.

6. A cheque for £25 payable to R.J.Davey for Petty Cash was approved.

7. It was noted that an invoice for £172.22 from Sodexho for grass cutting at Redhils had been paid.


8. There was considerable discussion about the outcome of the Parish Plan Steering Group questionnaire, where speeding was one of the primary issues. The PCSO was invited to join the discussion. It was agreed that despite the efforts made by the PC in the past, the aim of future efforts should be clearly laid down. The proposal was made, and agreed that:

"The speed limit should be 30mph from the present boundary on Broad Town Hill to the end of the present 40mph at Broadacres, with a 20mph limit at the school, a 40mph limit to the Village boundary at Goldborough Farm, and that consideration should be given to to placing white gates at the side of the road where the 30mph limit begins and ends"

Parish Matters

9. A most constructive letter had been received from David Beale about the state of the goalposts at Redhills, with the problem and a proposed solution. The Clerk was instructed to reply, thanking Mr Beale for his letter. As Cllr Brain, who had set up the posts, was absent, it was agreed that he be asked to look into the matter on his return.

10. Metrocount. Cllr Stubbings had requested that two areas should be checked; one within the speed limit area and the other on the open road towards Wootton Bassett.

11. Bonfires are again becoming a nuisance. Clerk is to put a note in the 'News' poimting out that smouldering fires on summer days are inappropriate and inconsiderate.

12 Flooding. Clerk is to report the problem with flooding on the road at Raynors, and is to complete the questionnaire on flooding areas in the Parish.

(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk

13th April 2010

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