Parish Council Documents



Present: Cllrs R. Bourton, S. Billis, J. Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen, and Mrs V. Stubbings

Also: 2 members of the public

1. It was proposed by Cllr Bourton, seconded by Cllr Stubbings, that Cllr S. Billis be elected as Chairman for the coming year. There being no further nominations, this was passed.

2. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th April 2009 were passed as being a true record, with the following amendment to Para 8. It was agreed that the proposal should read:

'Three priorities should be established. The first priority is that the speed limit should be 30 mph from the present boundary on Broad Town Hill to the end of the present 40 mph limiy at Broadacres. Consideration would be given to gates that mark the boundary at both ends of the Village. The second priority is to establish a 20 mph zone at the school. The third priority is a 40 mph limit to the boundary at Goldborough Farm'.


3. 01082. 61 Hill View Road. Re-position garage. No objections received.

4. 01093. 19 Broad Town Road. Extension. No objections received.

5. 01199. Manor Farm. Convert garage to accommodation. No objections received.

6. 01236. 14 Broadacres. Extension. No objections.

7. 01320. Land at Cotmarsh. Stable Block etc. No objections, but Clerk is to send a comment to WC that no lighting should be permitted due to the open nature of the site.


8. The accounts for 2009/10 were presented by the Clerk. Approved. Clerk noted that Mrs K. Orton had agreed to act as Internal Auditor.

9. The membership of Wilts Assn of Local Councils was renewed. A cheque for £182.09 was raised.

10. The Council Liability Insurance was renewed, and a cheque for £272.82 was raised.

Council Officers

11. Proposed by Cllr Billis that Cllr Mrs Stubbings be elected Vice-Chairman.Agreed.

12. The following Councillors accepted responsibility for:

a. Highways and Flood Warden. Cllr Crocker

b. Rights of Way. Cllr Mrs Newman

c. Area 2 Committee and NCAP. Cllr Mrs Stubbings.

d. Playing Field. Cllr Pullen


13. The Standing Orders were renewed.

14. The Financial Regulations were renewed.

15 The Risk Assessment is to be reviewed by the Chairman and Clerk before the audit is submitted.

Parish Matters.

16. Complaints had been received that a car was regularly parked outside of No 33 Broad Town Rpad without lightds at night.

17. Bonfires. Clerk had made enquiries regarding bonfires being lit during the day, to the annoyance of neighbours. Environmental Health had said that there is no regilation covering this, but that if the nuisance continued they would send a formal letter to those concerned. It was agreed that this was not necessary at this time, but Clerk is to compose a suitable letter requesting that more consideration should be given to the time of day when lighting fires, and not to burn anything which would produce toxic fumes, i.e. tyres, plastics etc

18 Highways. The following complaints were recorded; Clerk will notify Wilts Highways.

a. The manhole cover on Broad Town Road, opposite Ham Cottages, where sewer works had recently been completed, is raised and could be a danger to mtor-cyclists.

b. Chevrons at the top of Broad Town Hill had still not been replaced.

c. Bushton Road outside of Rayners. Middle of road is breaking up, leading to deep puddles.

19. Redhills Playing Field. Before any more money is spent on equipment it was agreed that, as the land is leased from WC we should ensure security of tenure. Clerk will request information.

Problems reported:

a. One set of goal post nets need replacing. Chairman will look into cost.

b. Fence still not repaired. Clerk will chase.

c. Gate drags on the ground. It needs adjusting or replacing. Clerk will report.

d. Check of equipment. It was agreed that checks should be carried out regularly, and a record kept.

20. Speed Control. It was agreed that gates at the entrance to the Village might have some effect on speeding. The cost will be researched, but Clerk will find out from WC any restrictions on placing them on roadside verges. He will also look into having red road surface laid at these poimts.

21. Cost of Community Speed Watch. Clerk will request information from the Police.

(signed) R.J. Davey. Clerk

12th May 2010

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