Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Billis, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, J Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J Pullen, and Mrs V. Stubbings.

One member of the public.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th December 2010 were signed as being a true record.


2. The retrospective permission for a balcony at 4 Ham Cottages was noted.


3. The summary of accounts was signed.

4. A cheque payable to Sodexho for £178.01 was raised.

Policy on Footpaths.

5. It was agreed that the responsibility of the Parish Council was to ensure that landowners were made aware of problems with footpaths on their property. In future a letter would be sent. If the matter was not then addressed, a further letter would be sent, which would be copied to Wilts Council. After this the matter would be placed in the hands of Wilts Council. The Clerk will minute all complaints about footpaths, to ensure a record is kept.

Parish Matters

6. Road Works. It was agreed that a list of complaints about highways problems would be maintained, and a letter sent to Wilts Highways on a regular basis detailing those items which had not been addressed.

7. The Parish Council has applied to take over ownership of Redhills playing field. This will enable the PC to maintain and improve the area as a leisure facility,

8. Dog Fouling. The Dog Warden is aware that this is becoming a problem again, particularly at Thornhill. The Control of Dogs Order, which is currently under discussion, provides for severe financial penalties for allowing a dog to foul any place to which the public have access, including roads and verges. The Parish Council is in agreement with this.

9. Funding to replace the goal nets at Redhills has been approved. The cheque is awaited.

10. The notice board at Thornhill has come to the end of its useful life, despite regular resuscitation attempts. Clerk will cost a new one.

11. The Parish Council works on behalf of you. If you have a complaint which you cannot deal with, or wish to know what is happening, come to the meetings.

(signed) R.J.Davey. Clerk

11th Jan 11

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