Parish Council Documents


HELD ON 9th May 2011

Present: Cllrs Mrs V. Stubbings, J. Brain, J. Pullen, R. Bourton, N. Crocker and S. Billis

Cllr Mollie Groom attended for part of the meeting.

Four members of the public were present.

Bob Clarke, of the White Horse Cleaning Group, expressed thanks on behalf of the group for the letter of congratulations and thanks from the Parish Council to the group for the excellent job done in cleaning the monument.

Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs J. Newman and the Clerk.

The Clerk was present for part of the meeting, but the minutes were taken by Cllr S. Billis.

Declarations of Interest. Cllr Mrs Stubbings stated that, after consulting with the Clerk to the Council she did not need to to state an interest in relation to the vote to be taken at the meeting on the adoption of the Parish Plan as she had attended the group meetings purely as an observer for the Council.

1. Election of the Chairman. In accordance with Standing Orders, it was proposed by Cllr Bourton that Cllr S. Billis continue as Chairman for the coming year. Agreed.

2. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2011 were signed as being a true record.

Election to other Posts

a. It was proposed by Cllr Billis, seconded by Cllr Bourton, that Cllr J. Brain be elected as Vice-Chaiman. Agreed.

b. Cllr Stubbings agreed to carry on as Parish Council representative on the Area Board, Highways Committee, and Lyneham Strategy Steering Group.

The remainder of the posts would be decided at the next meeting, with due consideration to the requirements of the Parish Plan, if adopted at this meeting.

Parish Plan.A discussion on the Parish Plan took place. It was proposed by Cllr Billis, seconded by Cllr Bourton, that it be adopted.  As all Councillors agreed there, was no need for a named vote. A preliminary review of the implementation of the proposals arising from the plan would take place at the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 19.55 to allow Cllr Groom to address the meeting with concerns about the Swindon core study, and in particular, the proposals for Junction 16 of the M4. It was agreed that a full discussion on the core study would take place at the next meeting. The Council expressed it's support to Cllr Groom.

5. Parish Clerk.

Mr Roy Davey was re-appointed as Clerk to the Council, and Responsible Financial Officer. His Contract of Employment was agreed, with the following provisions:

a. His working hours would be 8 hours per month, and his salary would be in line with NALC recommendations.

b. Expenses for heating, lighting and communiactions would be set for the present year at £140 pa.

c. Printing and photocopying would be reimbursed at 5 p. per sheet from Petty Cash, for which a record is to be kept.

6. Parish Matters

a. Cllr Bourton reported that he had been Mr Joe Atkins that the small gate to the playing field had been broken off and was being thrown about the field by a group of youngsters. He had removed it. Clerk is to write to Wilts Council and ask for the gate to be replaced, this time with a more substantial gate; one that is fir for purpose.

b. Cllr Crocker noted that parking by the school had reached critical levels and was spilling over to the newly erected bollards, making crossing of the road unsafe. Clerk iS to write to Wilts Council expressing the Council's concern and the need for a a solution to the parking problem to be investigated.

c. Cllr Stubbings reported, on behalf of Cllr Newman, a suggestion that a list of blocked footpaths be made available to the public by the Parish Council. The meeting felt that there was little merit in this and that the Parish Council's powers were were limited to informing Wilts Council of any blockage. However, it would always try to get the issue resolved locally before going down this route.

d. Cllr Stubbings gave a resume of the highways report, noting that the issue of the missing grit bin at Thornhill was being chased up, that there was no planned maintenance of the roads in the Parish this year, that Section106 funding being allocated to roads was being reviewed and consideration of speed control measures on C and D roads was being put back until the end of 2012.

e. Cllr Billis reported that the replacement goal nets and refitting of the goal stays had been done, and the project was now complete.

f. A meeting was to be arranged with Martin Rose of Wilts Council to carry out an initial assessment of the installation of Village identity gates.

g. Village Boundary Signs. Chairman will report poor condition of village boundary signs to CLARENCE.

(signed) R.J.Davey

13 May 11

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