Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr Mrs J. Newman, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, S. Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting and Mrs V. Stubbings

Cllr M. Groom and 4 members of the public.

Before the meeting opened Nick Cleverley and Andy Miles, agents for the landowner, gave a short presentation to determine the Councils view of the development of land opposite the church. Various options were covered. It was agreed that an outline plan should be put forward for consultation.

Cllr Groom brought the meeting up to date with the latest from County.

The meeting opened at 20.00 hrs

Apologies. Cllr Pullen

There were no Declarations of Interest.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2012 were signed as being a true record.

2.  Planning

12/N/02305/FUL. Lower Ham Farm. Alterations and Extension. No objections received.

3. Finance. The following cheques were raised:

a. R.J.Davey.  213.47 (Clerk's salary £173.47, back pay £5 and expenses £35)

b. HMRC £43.37

c.  Sodexho. £192.86, although this cheque will not be sent until an anomoly in the invoice is clarified.

4. Reports.

a. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Stubbings reported that Wootton Bassett and Criclklade has pulled out of participation in the Neighbourhood Plan. This left only the local villages in the group. Wiltshire Council has informed the PCs that the funding from DCLG will still be available to support the Area Neighbourhood Plan, vital, as the Parish could not afford to go oi alone. It was agreed that it was important to keep the momentum going. Proposed by Cllr Stubbings that'Broad Town remains within the group'. Carried unanimously.

b. Area Board

c. Community Led Planning Group.

d. Community Speedwatch. Latest report will be circulated.

5. Parish Matters.

a. A complaint has been received that Footpath 28, by the Brewery House, is completely blocked. Although it is accepted that the responsibilty for maintaining Rights of Way rests with the landowner and County, it is unlikely that anthiing will be done in the present climate. The Parish Council feels that a volunteer group should be formed to look after our many footpaths, if only to take a pair of secateurs on their walks to clear the vegetation. Clerk

b. Hedges. Complaints have been received about hedges blocking the view of vehicles exiting side roads. The time is now right to cut back hedges to improve safety and improve the look of the Village. Publicity. Clerk

c. Dogs. The Coujcil have received reports of dogs being left in houses for many hours during the day, leading to distress to the dogs and annoyance to neighbours. Unfortunately the answer does not lie within the remit of theCouncil, so any occurances should be notified to the Dog Warden, Wilts County of the RSPCA.

d. Badgers. The badgers at Whiteways have been getting busier. Clerk will notify Highways yet again. 

(signed) R.J.Davey. Clerk to the Council

22 Oct 12

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