Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr Mrs J. Newman, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, S. Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

Cllr Groom attended for a short time.

Declarations of Interest.

Cllr Crocker declared an interest in item 3b as Chairman of the VHMC

Cllr Stubbings declared an interest in items 3b&c as Secretary to the VHMC & PCC.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2012 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning

a. N/12/03779. 2 Pye Lane. Rear extension. No objections.

b. N/12/03814 Manor Farm. Demolish Existing Building snd replace with building giving accomodation, office and secure storage. Late mail. Plan will be circulated.

3. Finance

a. Clerk presented a statement of accounts for 2012/13, with a projection for 2013/14. The accounts were accepted, and it was proposed by Cllr Stubbings that the precept for 2013/14 be set in line with inflation at 3% above that for 2012/13, ie £3450. Carried.

b. The following donations were approved anfd the cheques raised:

i. Broad Town Village Hall Management Committee.  £450

ii. Christ Church £150

iii. White Horse Group.  £100.

c. The following invoice was paid:

Sodexho.   £192.86

4. Reports

a. Neighbourhood Planning

i. It was agreed to circulate all organisations with an interest in the Village, inviting them to put forward their views on future planing. Clerk

ii. It was confirmed that Common Places, project consultants, would hold an open consultation in the Village Hall on Saturday, 2nd February 2013, between 10.00 and 15.00, with a workshop to expand on the results on Wednesday 6th February 2013 between 19.00 and 21.00. These are open meetings for the public to make their views known.

5. Parish Matters

a. Gates at the Southern end of the Village. Clerk reported on his meeting with Wilts Highways, Road Safety and the intereswted party. It was agreed that the compromise, put forward by the Clark, that the top strakes should be removed to improve visibility was acceptable. Clerk to inform Highways

b. Anonymous letter in the 'News'.It was agreed that anonymous letters should not be acted upon, but that anybody with such strong feelings should attend a Council meeting aqnd make their view known without hiding behind anonymity. Clerk felt that this person would be ideal to take up the task of leading a group to maintain the footpaths, as he had been regularly requesting in his Clerks Clippings.

c. Cllr Bourton felt that the work David Bird has done in clearing Horns Lane should be acknowledge. Agreed. 

Clerk to action

d. It was noted that CLARENCE had been notified of flooding in Chapel Lane, and had taken action.

e. The road at Swindon Recycling had once again been flooded by run-off from the site, and had frozen, making the road dangerous. Clerk

f. Main road drains are blocked and need to be cleared. Clerk

g. Playing fields. Funding for development is available, but a volunteer to take on this project has still not come forward.

The meeting closed at 20.45 hrs

(signed) R.J.Davey. Clerk to the Council

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