Parish Council Documents


Present:: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

One member of the public.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs D. Ponting, Mrs J. Newman, N. Crocker and District Councillor Mrs M. Groom.

Declarations of Interest. Cllr Hinson declared an interest in item 2d as the applicant.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th June 2013 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning

The following results were noted.

a. 12/01352/FUL. 36 Broad Town Road. Erection of semi-detached dwellings. Refused.

b. 13/01622/AGN. Manor Farm. No further details required.

The following applications were considered.

c. 13/01484/FUL. Barnhill Farmhouse. Extension to annex and new garage. No objections.

d. 64 Hillview. Rear extension. No objections.

e. 13/01740/FUL. Replace existing animal shelter with storage facilities. No objections.

3. Finance

To note following accounts paid:

a. Clerk's salary and expenses. £235.20

b. HMRC. PAYE £  50.00

c. Sodexho £302.40

4. Reports

a. Neighbourhood Plans. It was agreed that more publicity be given to the survey;at present Broad Town is lagging behind. However, leaflets and reminders have been put in the childrens' bags at school, so the uptake might improve.

b. Lyneham Steering Group Meeting. Report noted.

c. CATG. The result of the 'C' and Unclassified Road Survey is still awaited.

d. CLP. . A report from the Group has been sent to Common Places, and a further consultation meeting is envisaged.

e. Community Speedwatch. Action has been taken by the Police to improve the processing of data. It was noted that a report by the Team that speeding by some known vehicles is still happening.

5. Communications. The content of the next report was agreed.

6. Parish Matters..

a. It was noted that the plan to build a wind turbine has been dropped.

b. The first 'surgery' will be held at the Social Club on Friday 12th July 2013 from 20.00 to 21.00 hrs.

c. Grass cutting at Redhills. The original method of cutting by Sodexho seems to have changed. The Clerk will make enquiries.

d. An invitation has been received from the PCC for the Parish Council to take part in the window dressing at the Church in October. It was agreed to take part.

e. It was noted that the issue of parking at the Schoo,l raised with the Area Board, has been closed. The Headteacher will be preparing a report on which remedial action can be based.

7. Standing Orders.

Paragraph 1 of Broad Town Parish Council Standing Orders is to be amended to read:

" Meetings of the Council shall be held at 18.30 hrs unless the Council decide otherwise".

The meeting closed at 19.10 hrs. 

(signed) R.J.Davey. Clerk to the Council

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