Parish Council Documents


Present. Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton,, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Also present: One member of the public, and two representatives of 'openreach'

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs D. Ponting and N. Crocker

There were no Declarations of Interest

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th July 2013 were signed as being as being a true record.

2. Superfast Broadband. There is the possibility of ther Village having superfast broadband, and the Chairman invited the representatives of 'openreach' to brief the Council. The Council agreed that it is needed in this Village and should go ahead. The only issue is the siting of the cabinet containing the necessary equipment; it must be as close to the present cabinet on the edge of the Village Hall car park as possible to allow for maximum coverage. As the cabinet will be on land governed by the Village Hall Management Committee it was agreed that 'openreach' should make a formal approach to the Committee and the final decision on the positioning of the cabinet decided without further recourse to the PC.

3. Planning.

13/02161/FUL.The Cow Byre, Broad Town Road. This appears to be a tidying up of a previously approvd plan. No objections.

4. Finance

a. The completion of the annual audit was noted.

b. It was agreed to pay the increase in salary as recommended by NALC on 22nd July 2013, backdated to April 2013.

5. Reports

a. Neighbourhood Planning. 

i. Parish Plan raw data. Clerk is to send raw data to Common Places.

ii. On-line survey. It was agreed to give one more burst of publicity to encourage residents to complete the on-line survey before the deadline of 30th September.

iii. It was agreed to set up a meeting with CLPG to establish a plan for the way ahead. Chairman will organise.

b. Transport Group. Road review completed.

c. Community Speedwatch. Representative of the team was invited to comment on the latest position with regard to the lack of processing time of the police. This matter has been addressed by the employment of more staff by the police.

6. Communique. The content of the next report was agreed.

7. Surgeries. It was agreed that the next two 'surgeries' will be held at the social club on 20th September and 22nd November 2013. Clerk will let the committee know.

8. Letters.

a. Wilts Council decision on 20mph speed limits does not attect the Village.

b. Emergency Planning. The Clerk is to approach  the area representative on producing a suitable plan for Broad Town.

c. C/Unclassified Road Review. The only item of note was the recommendation of the reduction of the 40mph speed limit to 30mph at the northern end of the Village, but the PC was not happy with the recommendation that the C415 remains at the national speed limit from Lanes Farm to Broadacres. Thought should be given to consult with those living along the road to seek their views.

9. Parish Matters.

The production of a new issue of the Village Information Leaflet was approved. Clerk will arrange.

The meeting closed at 19.55hrs/

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