Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman. 

Cllrs N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen, and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Also present: Cllr Mrs M. Groom, Wilts Council.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs D. Ponting and R. Bourton.

There were no Declarations of Interest. 

Mrs Ellen Backer, Community Good Neighbourhood Scheme, updated the Council on their work.

Two members of the staff of Good Energy, Felicity Sargeant and Stuart Renwick, gave a presentation to the Council on the proposal to build a solar panel installation at Goldborough Farm. They will hold a public presentation on 2nd October 2013, and will deliver fliers around the Village giving details.

Cllr Groom updated the Council on recent developments at Count.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th August 2013 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning.

02899/FUL, 13 Broad Town Rd, and 03452/FUL, Manor Farm were received after the agenda was written wouldl be circulated and details placed on the Notice Board.

3. Finance.

Clerk reported present bank balances

Business - £586

Instant Access - £5969

4. Reports.

a. Nieghbourhood Planning. An informal meeting with the CLPG, and a representative of Common Places was to be held after the PC meeting.

b. Area Board. Nothing to report.

c. CATG. Nothing to report.

d. CLPG. See 'a' above.

e. Community Speedwatch. Report circulated.

5. Church Festival. To be decided.

6. Communique, Contents agreed.

7. 'Surgery'. Chairman Cllr Stuart Hinson and Mrs Jenny Newman will attend the surgery at the Social Club on 20th September 2013.

8. Original Parish Boundary Map. It was agreed that the map, in a secure box, should be hung in the Committee Room in the Village Hall provided that details of the insurance cover were confirmed.

9. Parish Matters

a. Parking at the school. This appears to be an ongoing problem, but the Council and Police are not able to take any further action.; it is up to the school. Clerk

b. There is a hole in the road at Whiteways. Badgers again. Clerk



Clerk to the Council

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