Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman, Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Pullen & Mrs V. Stubbings

Also present: Cllr Mrs M Groom, PCSO A. Singfield and 1 member of the public..

Apologies were received from Cllrs D. Ponting and Mrs J. Newman.

There were no Declarations of Interest.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2014 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning. There were no new applications.

3. Finance.

a. The Clerk noted two cheques had ben raised

R.J.Davey. Salary and Expenses £237.44

HMRC PAYE £50.40

b. Bank balances, as checked Business £300.31

Bus Instant £7120.39


4. Reports

a. Neighbourhood Planning. .Cllr Stubbings circulated a report on the meeting held on 11th June 2014.

b. CATG. Cllr Stubbings reported that at the meeting held on 10th July things were finally being moved forward. The speed limit proposals were accepted in the main, but not all items. The plan for the safety measures for the village will now be prepared.

c. Community Speedwatch. With the advent of the new measures in the Village to improve safety it was hoped that Speedwatch could help to assess their value.

5. CLPG. Clerk reported that he had received a letter from the Secretary of the CLPG. He read out his comments which would be the basis of his reply. Two specific items were requetsed to be put on the agenda for a vote:

Does the PC wish to participate in the Joint Working Group? It was agreed that, although not considered option, it was necessary to take part to keep things moving. Carried 3 for, Cllr Pullen against.

Does the PC wish to have a liaison representative on the CLPG. Because of the obvious ill-feeling the Clerk has volunyeered to be the observer in accordance with his terms of employment. He will act in accordance with decisions made by the PC and br responsible for carrying back any enquiries from the Group.. Carried.

6. CLPG/PC Joint Working Group meetings.

It was propsewd by Cllr Stubbings that in order to facilitate the work of the Joint Working Group the PC would offer, in the first instance, to pay the rental of the Village Hall so that the first few meetings could be held there. Carried

7. Co-option. There has been no interest shown. The members of the Council will have to consider likely new members.

8. Commumique, The contents of the report were agreed. Chairman will prepare it.

9Parish Matters.

a. Grass cutting at Redhills is still not considered satisfactory, Clerk is to write to the Contractor.

b. Rubble at Redhills Playing Field. It was felt that the removal of this eyesore would be very expensive. Cllr Bourton and the Clerk will investigate other ways of improving the area.

c. Dogs Mess. Still very much a problem at Thornhill. Item in the next report for the 'News'.

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